To help avoid the risk associated with viral transmission in our Practice we have applied the following pre-screening steps in line with Irish and International Health guidelines:
Do Not attend the Practice if:
You are exhibiting any symptoms associated with COVID-19 (see HSE Guidelines);
If you have been in contact with anyone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19;
If you are awaiting the results of a COVID-19 test.
(Please click here to read the HSE Guidelines)
Please attend your appointment alone to minimise the number of people in the Practice at any one time. If you need assistance, a translater, or are the parent/guardian of a patient aged under 16 years, please let us know prior to the appointment.
We ask that you bring the minimum number of items into the Practice with you including coats, bags, etc.
A mask must be worn until you are directed to remove it for examination or treatment. The mask must cover the nose and mouth.
Hand sanitiser is located at the entrance to the Practice and must be used prior to entry. You will be reminded to repeat the use of the sanitiser during your visit.
We will take your temperature on arrival. If you have notice any symptoms associated with COVID-19 prior to your appointment, it is important that you let us know (see HSE Guidelines)
For your additional protection we use extra Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) including FFP2 masks and visors.
The surgery will be disinfected and ventilated before and after your treatment.
We will use a rubber dam to isolate specific sites for some dental treatments.
We thank all our patients for their understanding and support in these difficult times.